The standard previously known as the IASME Governance Standard has been relaunched with a new name, a revised logo and refreshed focus. The IASME Cyber Assurance is an affordable security standard that gives assurance that an orginisation has put in place a range of important cyber security, privacy and data protection measures.
One of the biggest changes to the standard is that Cyber Essentials certification is now a prerequisite for IASME Cyber Assurance.
The launch date was 25th July 2022. On that date, the updated question set (V6) will be live on the assessment platform and will be used for all new assessments. Any new assessment accounts opened on or after that date will use the new questions set. Anyone who opened an assessment account before 25th July 2022, will be assessed against the IASME Governance V5, and will have six months from their application date to complete their assessment.
For more information about IASME Cyber Assurance Click Here